Prerequisite CLI tools
The following CLI tools are required for running the exercises in this tutorial. Please have them installed and configured before you get started with any of the tutorial chapters.
It is also necessary to have a compatible Java and Maven environment (at least for the s2i chapter). |
Tool | macOS | Fedora | windows |
Which Terminal
Throughout the lab you will have to run commands in a terminal, you can choose to run everything in your computer or in a web-terminal and web-ide. Whichever decision is fine but you have to honor that decision for the whole lab or redo some commands if you change, in this case… you will be on your own.
If you choose to use web-terminal, stick to that decision throughout the whole guide. Next, open the following link, create a new project called:
Once inside type this command to avoid the session being terminated before you have had time to finish the lab. This command could involve restarting the terminal so please run it before actually starting the lab.
Get tutorial sources
If you prefer to use OpenShift Dev Spaces instead of your laptop (your own shell) or your browser (web-terminal) just go to the next section, otherwise:
Before we start setting up the environment, let’s clone the tutorial sources and set the TUTORIAL_HOME
environment variable to point to the root directory of the tutorial:
git clone https://repository-gitea-system.apps.%BASE_SUBDOMAIN%/%USERNAME%/kitchensink.git kitchensink-lab
export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/kitchensink-lab"
cd ~/scratch && git clone https://repository-gitea-system.apps.%BASE_SUBDOMAIN%/%USERNAME%/kitchensink.git kitchensink-lab
export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/kitchensink-lab"